About Us

Multilot is a leader in gaming and lottery innovation, offering cutting-edge solutions that boost engagement and ensure compliance. Our mission is to equip operators with revolutionary technologies that transform user experiences and drive business growth. Founded in 2010, Multilot has worked with lotteries and major brands to deliver excitement and entertainment for their customers.

Over the past several years, we developed advanced privacy and compliance technologies to support our successful European games-of-chance. Now, we’re bringing our patented games and compliance solutions to the U.S.

We have a team of passionate, thoughtful innovators, experienced in technology, sports and entertainment, and gaming.

In addition to making our clients' lives easier and their organizations more profitable, we set our employees up for success through policies and practices that are human-centric with open lines of communication and opportunities for growth. If you are interested in joining our rapidly growing team of exceptional talent, please contact us.

If you are interested in bringing Wavework to your organization or employing one of our games-of-chance, please contact us.